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Foujita, cover for sheet music by Maurice Delage (1879-1961)
Foujita, cover for sheet music by Maurice Delage (1879-1961)

Foujita, The Lion Tamer, 1930
Foujita, The Lion Tamer, 1930

A Lapp Family (from photo by Valentine & Sons) in the book Graphic Stories of Other Lands
A Lapp Family (from photo by Valentine & Sons) in the book Graphic Stories of Other Lands

Cyril E. Power, The Merry-Go-Round, about '29-30 (color linocut)
Cyril E. Power, The Merry-Go-Round, about '29-30 (color linocut)

Sybil Andrews, Speedway, 1934 (color linocut)
Sybil Andrews, Speedway, 1934 (color linocut)

Lill Tschudi, Fixing the Wires, 1932 (color linocut)
Lill Tschudi, Fixing the Wires, 1932 (color linocut)

The above three images come from the incredible book Rhythms of Modern Life: British Prints 1914 - 1939. Don't miss "The Unknown art of Lill Tschudi" at Adventures in the Print Trade.

Lamar Baker, 1940, Fieldhands
Lamar Baker, 1940, Fieldhands

Louis Lozowick, White Spider, 1952, litograph
Louis Lozowick, White Spider, 1952, lithograph

The above two images come from the Smithsonian American Art Museum, an endless treasure.

Alim Hosein, 1991, Leda and the Swan (Guyana, Kyk n.43)
Alim Hosein, 1991, Leda and the Swan (Guyana, Kyk n.43)

mislexic, chiththira cover
chiththira cover
via the great art blog of mislexic

illustration by Varnam for "Ore Oru Vazhi" (a serialized novel)
via the great art blog of mislexic

Eric Gill (1882-1940), Windy beggar (The Canterbury Tales)
Eric Gill (1882-1940), Windy beggar (The Canterbury Tales)

Eric Gill (1882-1940), In the Lion's Den
Eric Gill (1882-1940), In the Lion's Den

Eric Gill (1882-1940), Risen Christ
Eric Gill (1882-1940), Risen Christ

Ricardo Favela, 1975 Announcement Poster for Centro de Artistas Chicanos
Max Garcia, Chicano Teatro poster, n.d. (70s)

Max Garcia, Chicano Teatro poster, n.d.
Ricardo Favela, 1975 Announcement Poster for Centro de Artistas Chicanos

The above two images are from the Online Archive of California.

Ito Jakuchu, 1789, View of Sekihoji (detail)
Soga Shohaku (1730 - 1781), Shoulaoren (detail)

Soga Shohaku (1730 - 1781), Shoulaoren (detail)
Ito Jakuchu, 1789, View of Sekihoji (detail)
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Fukuda Kodojin (1865 - 1944), Layered Peaks Lds. c. 1930 and Ink Landscape, 1931
Fukuda Kodojin (1865 - 1944), Layered Peaks Lds. c. 1930 and Ink Landscape, 1931

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