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The Massage Fantasy (Redux)

We've been back from our holidays for a few days now. I'm back at work, and Rebecca has had the rest of this week off to hang with the kids. I'm going through the typical post-vacation stress/ lack of motivation period. It usually lasts week or so after getting back to work. After that I generally get my shit together and focus on my work priorities.

Oddly enough, our sex life usually takes a bit of a dive while on vacation with the kids and grandparents. We had the double whammy of Rebecca being visited by George the week we were gone, although we did manage to have some fun. When we got home, we were back to our private sanctuary, and things have been back to "normal".

On Tuesday of this week, I asked Rebecca if she wanted a massage when we went to bed, she of course agreed, as she loves being massaged. I assumed the role of the masseur making small talk as I applied oil to her back, while she assumed the role of married client. This massage progressed in a similar fashion to ones in the past, with me slowly seducing her as I massaged her naked body. As I would get bolder and bolder, I would ask her, " What would your husband say if he saw my hands on your (ass, breasts, etc.)"? Her response would be something like, "Oh, I don't think he would mind.", or "He would like it." This time, I switched it up a little and once I was pushed deep inside, slowly making love, I whispered, "I have a confession to make. Your husband hired me to massage you. Actually, he's watching from the other room right now, probably stroking his cock as I pump you."

Rebecca got into this portion of the fantasy, as I got her to think of her husband (me) watching and stroking myself as her masseur gently fucked her. I said he could hear what she was saying as well, so she should ask him not to come and to wait for her meet him at home afterwards. Again, I could tell when she's getting into it. This time she came on her on my cock before I was even near my climax. I fully intended to assume the role of "husband" and use that portion of the fantasy to fill her with my cum. That was when she surprised me and whispered, "Where would he want you to cum?" I immediately replied, "Inside you." That short, unexpected piece of dialogue pulled me over the edge and I came long and deep inside my wife.

Epilogue: Her subtle participation in this fantasy and her request to have her lover cum inside of her drove me wild. Our steps into this fantasy world are small, but every one of them makes me hotter for my wife. Last night, I had a simple request to make love to my wife "just as the two of us". It was as hotter and more emotional for me than our fantasy world, but I honestly believe it is like this because of our fantasy play. My emotions are more exposed, or raw if you will. This sensitivity to my love for her is highlighted by this other part of our wonderful sex life.
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