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Government Hand-Outs

Being a student can be fun at times. It gives excuse for being slack, poor, sleeping in late, skipping gym and other immature things but the part I didn't expect was the extreme lack of funds. I can't complain if I think about things in the grand scheme of things, I mean I have the BEST view from my deck, and it's not like I'm about to go hungry any time soon but....

I am flat broke :( I've been looking for a job for a while now, before I left Brisbane and even when I had a waitressing gig, I was still looking for a grown up job but nothing happened. Which means....

Now I have no job, in a new town, about to go back to uni for my final year and I'm %100 dependent on my husband. Doesn't quiet sit right with my feminist studies and....

Centerlink is a waste of space. I always thought Centrelink was  my last resort. I mean, I'm not a drug addict or a single mum, person with a disability or looking after a person with a disabillity so why would I need the gov't to pay for me? But now I'm a full time student and small time hospitality jobs are to casual and transient to pay the mortgage I thought I could get Austudy, and I can. At $51.19 a fortnight.  Which sux balls really. I mean how am I meant to buy my textbooks with that? Seriously, that won't even cover my printing costs, let alone parking, stationary, computer aids/programs.....

Which I'm sure is part of the reason some kids drop out, or don't even start in the first place. This Article  highlights the poverty trap in Aus and I think we can do better....

Which takes me back to uni. I want to finish my degree, so I can get out there and save the world, one government department at a time. But right now things are a little bit sucky because I can't get a decent amount from Austudy. All I want to do is study. I don't want to spend government money on drugs or stupid toys for my car or a plasma tv, just textbooks and uni stuff. But I can't, and so I'm dependent on my husband, which goes against my morals...

Can you see the patten here?

Junkies get money and students don't. The world is poorer for not having enough higher educated people. The government isn't supporting those who need it.

Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed a whole village.
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