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Not My Pot Pie

Since N's birth, we've felt showered in support, both online and in real life.  This is good for me because I am feeling miserable about things at work: I had replied to some inquires via email in ways that I thought were fine, but didn't cc people replacing me so they knew what I was doing and why, and was accused of "calculating to cause confusion."  As any late term pregnant woman or parent of a newborn will attest, calculating anything is pretty much beyond my ability these days ... I'm lucky if I've taken a shower.  I am not sleeping for more than two hours at a stretch.  It almost seems like they want me to quit so they can restructure the office.  If that's the case, I wish they'd say so, because between my whacked-out hormones and increasing anxiety about my value at work, I'm going to need to call a therapist in to do home visits.

One of the things we seem to have no time to do this time around is cook ... it's remarkable, really, how the addition of one small person to your household can throw everything into upheaval.  Luckily, we've had some friends make us dinner, which has been a godsend.  The other night, one of our friends brought over a pot pie that we devoured, along with an apple crisp and salad.  I figured since I'm not doing much of my own cooking these days, I'd blog the gifted pot pie, with my gratitude to C. for a home cooked multi-course meal, and for nourishing the body and spirit.

Not My Pot Pie

1 lb. or so boneless skinless chicken breasts (you could probably use tempeh)
2 to 3 c. vegetables cut into large chunks (carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, peas, etc.)
3 T. butter
2 T. flour
2 c. chicken stock
salt, pepper, paprika, curry, sage to taste
home made savory crust or store bought puff pastry

Brown chicken in pan, steam whatever veggies you want until just tender.

In pan, melt butter and add flour, stirring until caramel-colored (maybe 2 or 3 min.), then slowly stir in stock, cooking until thickened. Take off heat. Add in salt, pepper and/or paprika to taste. You can add more stock or milk, if too thick. Curry is also nice, or add grated cheese for an "au gratin."

Mix in chicken, veggies and "gravy". Pour into baking dish and top with home-made savory crust or store-bought puff pastry. Bake in accordance with pastry instructions.
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