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Home again, home again....

I'm happy to report that our first family trip to Florida was a HUGE success!!!

Not only was the weather PERFECT, but Zachary was great the entire time. He didn't make a peep during either of the flights, and while were in Florida, he was well-behaved and seemed to love the warm weather. My dad and Betty were over the moon being able to spend time with him, and Jim and I loved spending time in the sun and our ‘family time’ by the pool. :-)

We went to a Red Sox game on Tuesday night, which was VERY fun, but they weren't looking their best. I realize it's only a Spring Training game, but yeesh...they looked TERRIBLE. I'm hoping that once the actual season starts (on Friday) they bring it up a notch and actually hit the damn ball.
Just sayin'

The day before I left for Florida, I had a 'recording session' with the group I'm singing with at Symphony Hall this Friday night. As it turns out, we recorded a piece that's going to be used as the background music for a soon-to-be-released video game.
As I've said before, it's a HUGE deal to those people who consider themselves 'gamers', but it's pretty much lost on me. It's such a big deal that we all had to sign non-disclosure agreements saying that we wouldn't reveal the name of the game, or any details about it. Totally fine by me!!! To be honest, I can’t even remember what the name is. It was a pretty cool experience though, and it was nice to make some unexpected money right before we left for vacation. As it turns out, we're all going to be listed in the credits of the game when it's released, which is pretty cool. I guess I'll have to get myself a copy so that I can hear the final product once it's finally released - and who knows? Maybe they'll ask us to record more stuff in the future?!?!?

Jim and I have a busy/fun week coming up, which I'm very much looking forward to.

I have dress rehearsal for the concert tomorrow night, then the concert itself is on Friday night. Jim's sister and brother-in-law are going to babysit Zach, and in return, Jim is taking her three kids to the concert with him. :-)

Saturday night we're getting together for dinner with K, B, and {b} - who I feel like we haven't spent any time with in FOREVER - so it'll be great to see them and catch up.

On Sunday evening, Jim and I are going to see Patti LuPone in concert at Symphony Hall which I'm VERY excited for. (I'll be sure to leave my camera in the car) I'm sure she'll be a hoot and sound fantastic….even if she leaves her consonants at home. ;-)

Next Thursday night, Jim and I are going to see the national tour of 'Hair' at The Colonial Theatre in Boston. He was able to get super-discounted tickets at the last minute, which is awesome. I saw the show in September of 2009 when I was in New York with Jim for his work conference, but he wasn't able to see it with me. It's one of his favorite musicals, so I'm very excited that he's going to get to see it. I hope he likes it as much as I did!!

OK - that's what's going on with me....believe it or not, softball season is about to start, in spite of the fact that we're expecting snow on Friday night. Don't even get me started on THAT!

I hope all of you are doing well. I'll be doing my best to catch up on all your blogs over the next few days....I've missed you all so. :-)

Jim, hanging out by a palm tree during the weekly "Monday Night Carport Cocktail Party" - oh to be retired...

Jim and Zachary (in disguise) spending some time by the pool.

(don't worry, we kept Z out of the sun for the entire trip)

Scooter, enjoying the fact that the sun was out, and we were all back home - together again.

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