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Putting the 'cute' in Acute Diverticulitis

Hello everyone!!!  I hope you had a pleasant Fourth of July weekend.
Sorry for my absence, but I was unexpectedly in the hospital for a few days last week and I'm just getting back into the swing of things. 

Here's the Reader's Digest version....or at least an attempt at it.  :-)

Last Monday (6/27) I had the day off and spent it at home with Jim and Zachary…wasn’t feeling ‘right’.

Woke up Tuesday, not feeling any better, came to work for a 9 o’clock call, went to doctor’s at 1pm

Doctor sends me to the local hospital for a cat scan of my lower abdomen.

Cat scan tech sends me to the Emergency Room

Doctors in the ER tell me I’m being admitted because I have acute diverticulitis with a micro-perforation (because, apparently I’m 80)

They bring me to my room on Tuesday night on IV fluids and two heavy-duty antibiotics, also via IV (PS – at this point, I haven’t eaten all day)

On Wednesday I was still on IV fluids and antibiotics and allowed to have clear liquids starting at noon (chicken broth, apple juice, ginger ale, Italian Ice, and Jell-O.....delish)

Thursday – 3 meals of clear liquids and still on antibiotics (yes, I had chicken broth for breakfast) but feeling a lot better.  Still not 100% - but a lot less pain.

Friday – French toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast, it all went OK, so I made it home by 3pm!!!!

So, now I’m on crazy-strong antibiotics for 2 weeks and will have to change my diet. Again, because apparently I’m a senior citizen. No more eating nuts, seeds, or any other indigestible foods, unless I want to have another ‘incident’.

Thankfully, I was home in time and feeling OK enough to enjoy the weekend! We went to the see fireworks on Saturday night, spend the day/evening at the Cape on Sunday with Jim's family, went to a 4th of July parade and a cookout yesterday, and I'm back to work today.

I'll write something a bit more exciting once I get caught up on all I missed at work, but I thought I'd let you all know what the heck was happening with me.  :-)

PS - While  I was in the hospital, Jim sent this to me....and yes, it made me a bit teary.  

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