In Celtic, British and even some American lore, you can always tell when animals are sacred (or Otherworldly) because they are "marked" with the colors black, white and red. Spectral black dogs, red dogs, or white dogs with red ears are tell-tale hounds from other planes. Kine and swine (both sacred animals in their own right) are doubly sacred when colored similarly (solid black, solid red, solid white or white with red ears).
As we write about the Spiral Castle Tradition, you will undoubtedly notice the redundancy of these colors. Surely, you've already seen it in some places:
- Black Goddess, White Goddess, Red God (Tubal Qayin)
- athame, kerfane, shelg (3 knives)
- Triple Soul
We hope that as insights come to you, you'll share them with us. After all, 'tis a Crooked Path we walk ... together, but alone.
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