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TWELVE DAYS without a blog post?!?!?

Allow me to explain.....
For starters, today is the first time that I'm sitting at my own desk since September 6th. 
Since I last wrote - we had a great Labor Day weekend, I've been working out of the Boston office or from home....OK - mostly the Boston office (I've worked from home once), we did a walk for pancreatic cancer, I went to my step-mom's 75th birthday bash, went to my softball banquet, and had a photo shoot with all of Jim's family. 

Things are busy as ever here at work.  I'm still working on my two October projects as well as trying to learn as much as I can, as fast as I can about the new application that I'm going to be in charge of - very soon.
Every day is full of new challenges, none of which I enjoy...all of which depress me to no end.
Needless to say, I'm a bundle of joy these days.  Maybe it's a good thing I haven't been blogging.

I had a busy day last Saturday, which was fun. 
In the morning, Jim, Zachary and I did a walk for pancreatic cancer with a group of Jim's high school friends, then I took Zachary to my step-mom's 75th birthday party which was a good time as well.  None of my step family (other than my step mother) had met Zachary up to this point (don't ask) so they were excited to see him.  I also got to introduce him to a lot of my dad's friends - which was nice.  He was thrilled to 'show him off' - and of course, Zachary was on his best behavior.

After the party, I took Zachary to my softball banquet for a little while.  Surprisingly, he wasn't the only baby there!  Two babies in a gay bar....SCANDALOUS!!!!  ;-)
Another couple in the league were there with their little one, who was only 2 months Zachary wasn't even the youngest one there!!!  It was fun to chat with them and hear their story....which, let's just say, was VERY different than ours. 
I was only at the banquet for a short time, but I was there long enough to receive an award.  :-)  I'm the very proud recipient of the Division 2 'Sportsmanship Award' - which is essentially the award they give to people like me who may not be the best players, but remember the fact that being in the league is supposed to be fun and try to maintain that attitude on the field.  It's my third time receiving the award in my 10 year history with the league, which makes me happy - especially since the members of my division are the ones who vote on the award, and it's not just a select group of people voting.
Of course, the award itself had my name spelled wrong on it, and the incorrect division, but it's the thought that counts.

Sunday was our 'return' to church (we hadn't been in a while) - followed by grocery shopping, and then we had a photo shoot with Jim's entire family that evening.  Barrie did an amazing job with the pictures and as soon as I get them loaded onto my PC here at work, I'll share some with you.....until then, here are a few pictures from my 'time away'.

I hope you're all well....and I have some SERIOUS blog reading to catch up on!!!!

Here's Z taking his very first boat ride.....he loved it.

Jim and Leah going much fun!

Zachary getting ready to run some errands with Jim

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