She made a FB announcement about this the other day, asking us all to put our "grown up pants on," assuring us that her GI said it was "very treatable with chemo," and her wall was immediately filled with people posting support and love and offering to bake brownies (not exactly the kind of brownie I bake here at aHBL.)
I am confident that my friend will kick cancer's ass. Because that's just the kind of person she is. She is one amazing, resilient, determined woman ... and that doesn't even begin to describe her. I'm going to think positive thoughts, send her all of my good energy, and cheer her on through the suck that is going to be chemo.
My friend's announcement was yet another reminder of how vulnerable we are, how everything we know can turn on a dime, how precious this gift called life really is. I've had a lot of reminders lately, it seems: my friend my age who needed a heart transplant, friends with sick kids, and now this. Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something?
Yesterday was Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, a day that thousands of people all over the world light candles in remembrance of lives that never had the chance to be lived, and in solidarity with people who never imagined they would lose a child. I've written about my own losses here, but yesterday I was thinking about so many other women and men I've met who felt alone, adrift, silenced. Unlike cancer, pregnancy and infant loss tends to be invisible, or at the very least taboo. But it needs to be something we can talk about, not so that we can "get over" it, but so that we can learn to live with it. To support each other, to be there, to bear witness.
No matter whether you're pro-life or pro-choice, no matter when you think life begins, no matter whether you know someone with cancer or have been lucky enough to avoid that happening to your loved ones, I ask you to take one moment today and marvel at the fact that You. Are. Alive. To realize that the odds against you, specifically you, being born, are actually pretty friggin' incredible. To give thanks for that gift, and to decide that you're going to do something with it. And to ask that one of the things you do with that gift is offer compassion to families and individuals who grieve and struggle and hope.
I made these the other day as a healthier-than-usual treat. They're full of fiber and protein, are a little lower on the glycemic index than your standard cookie, contain antioxidants and other immunity-boosters, and give you energy. They're the kind of thing my college roommate made in our makeshift kitchen; she's probably long since forgotten, but I remember her experimental "healthy" cookies fondly. Here's to kicking ass and taking names, my friend.
1 medium banana
2 T. coconut oil (you could use canola or an oil of choice…but this stuff is more buttery)
1/4 c. egg whites (or 1 egg, or applesauce)
4 T. agave (more if you like it sweeter)
1/4 t. salt (salt joins the liquids because it dissolves)
1 1/2 c. rolled oats
1/2 c. spelt flour
1/2 c. oat bran
1/4 c. ground flax seeds
1/3 c. mini dark chocolate chips (or more)
Preheat oven to 350.
Mash banana and add other liquid ingredients into banana mixture. Add dry ingredients, one quarter cup at a time, mixing until well blended. Line mini muffin pan with liners (or grease it) and spoon 1 tablespoon into each cup. Press chocolate chips into each mini and cover each mini with remaining oat mixture. Press a few more chocolate chips into each one and bake for approximately 15 minutes.
The coconut oil is good for you. They're sweetened naturally. They have lots of antioxidants, if you’re using dark chocolate, and lots of fiber. Spelt and oats contain protein. All excellent for ass-kicking.
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