Greening – green cord
- For children of the family at the age of reason, and for potential new members to the coven.
- Creates an informal bond between teacher and student.
- Before Greening the student should :
- formally request to join the coven
- obtain a binder for handouts and personal research notes
- obtain a flash drive
- During Greening the student should:
- learn to raise, form, move, and ground energy
- create or obtain a stone bowl
- begin their personal crane bag
- choose a coven symbol
- begin a personal home altar
- attend at least 2 rituals (Sabbats or Esbats)
- obtain a ritual robe (either white or black, depending on the time of year)
- Greening lasts through a 6 – 12 month period, or until the age of puberty.
- For children of the family at the age of puberty, and for formally joining members to the coven.
- Creates a formal bond – the Red Thread – between the student and all members of the coven.
- During Adoption the student should:
- Memorize the year wheel
- Obtain the three knives
- Read:
- The Robert Cochrane letters
- The White Goddess by Robert Graves
- Read two of the following:
- Masks of Misrule, Call of the Horned Piper, & Pillars of Tubal Cain by Nigel Jackson
- Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Huson
- The Witches’ Bible by the Farrars
- Sacred Mask, Sacred Dance by Evan John Jones
- The Roebuck in the Thicket by Robert Cochrane and EJ Jones
- Witchcraft: A Tradition Renewed by Valiente and Jones
- The Triumph of the Moon by Ronald Hutton
- The Witching Way of Hollow Hill by Robin Artisson
- Perform a link cutting
- Write a statement of personal ethics
- obtain an ancestor skull
- create a staff
- obtain a cauldron
- make an incense
- make and amulet and talisman
- make a scrying mirror
- design and make a Witches’ Glove
- become proficient in three forms of divination
- create a totemic fetch
- acquire a familiar (plant, animal, or spirit)
- perform contact and possession with a Deity
- lead a ritual
- complete red cord checklist
- Adoption lasts a minimum of a year and a day, or until the age of majority.
- For children of the family at the age of majority, and for naming the student as a witch.
- Marks the student as a fully-fledged witch.
- During Raising the witch should:
- obtain tools, weapons, and other paraphernalia related to the compass
- read and study as suits their interest
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