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Grosz cover for Sinclair book, from the collection of Richard Sica
George Grosz cover for a Sinclair book, from the collection of Richard Sica

book cover, Faulkner, Germany, 1951
book cover, Faulkner, Germany, 1951
left out of my Blickfang post because it's post-War

Otakar Mrkvička (1898-1957), book design - typography - cover photo montage for Albert Londres, Ebenová Země, 1933, Prague
Otakar Mrkvička (1898-1957), book design - typography - cover photo montage for Albert Londres, Ebenová Země, 1933, Prague (ebay find I think)


Medicine and Public Health - Model of man in Maze of Superstition exhibit 39-40
Medicine and Public Health - Model of man in Maze of Superstition exhibit 39-40

Medicine and Public Health - Model of man in Maze of Superstition exhibit 1939-40
Medicine and Public Health - Model of man in Maze of Superstition exhibit 1939-40

I was sad I couldn't find a reason to use the above two images for a Halloween post. I think they came from the bowels of the Library of Congress. I would love to know more about them.

Willem Sandberg 1935, early typography- Ned Muziekfeest
Willem Sandberg 1935, early typography- Ned Muziekfeest

Fantasy About Future _ Old Russian Kids Book 1962
Fantasy About Future, Russian kids' book, 1962
(ebay find. If I remember correctly, the interior illustrations don't live up to the cover.)

Madeleine Vionnet, puriste de la mode (lesartsdecoratifs)
Madeleine Vionnet, puriste de la mode
via Les Arts Decoratifs

Robert Preusser (1919-1992). Tree Animals, 1947
Robert Preusser (1919-1992). Tree Animals, 1947


Joan of Arc's vision.  [The archangel Michael announces to Joan her mission to save ...]  (1895)
Joan of Arc's vision. [The archangel Michael announces to Joan her mission to save ...] (1895)

Die Springwurzel.  [[Mandrake]]  (1884)
Die Springwurzel. [[Mandrake]] (1884)

Tentation de St. Antoine.  (1789-1819)
Tentation de St. Antoine. (1789-1819)

St. Denis bearing his head and halo (1896)
St. Denis bearing his head and halo (1896)

Pretty sure the above four images were found at nypl digital


Leon Spilliaert, 1920, Sailing Vessel at Sea
Leon Spilliaert, 1920, Sailing Vessel at Sea

Leon Spilliaert, Persian Lilacs, 1926
Leon Spilliaert, Persian Lilacs, 1926

Leon Spilliaert, The Open Door, 1945
Leon Spilliaert, The Open Door, 1945

Leon Spilliaert, Three Trees, 1944 (watercolor, indian ink)
Leon Spilliaert, Three Trees, 1944 (watercolor, india ink)

Leon Spilliaert, The Barrel Cart, 1927
Leon Spilliaert, The Barrel Cart, 1927

For reasons I can't quite remember, I abandoned a post about Leon Spilliaert. See more Belgian art at Giornale Nuovo.

John Little, Textured Leaves, wallpaper study, USA, c. 1960
John Little, Textured Leaves, wallpaper study, USA, c. 1960

a good time to plug the new-ish blog, which presents beautiful fabrics and patterns

Ryotaro Shiba book cover
Ryotaro Shiba book cover


Four emblems of Archdukes Ferdinand and Charles of Austria, Houghton Library, MS Typ 109 1

Four emblems of Archdukes Ferdinand and Charles of Austria, Houghton Library, MS Typ 109 2

Four emblems of Archdukes Ferdinand and Charles of Austria, Houghton Library, MS Typ 109 3

Four emblems of Archdukes Ferdinand and Charles of Austria, Houghton Library, MS Typ 109 4

Four emblems of Archdukes Ferdinand and Charles of Austria, Houghton Library, MS Typ 109. From the Free Library of Philadelphia digital collection.

"Money" History - Russian Children Book 1965
"Money" History - Russian kids' book 1965

Oriental Fairy Tales & Myths Russian 1975
"Oriental Fairy Tales & Myths," Russia, 1975

50 años BAUHAUS - Exposición alemana bajo el patrocinio de la República Federal de Alemania - Buenos Aires 1970
50 años BAUHAUS - Exposición alemana bajo el patrocinio de la República Federal de Alemania - Buenos Aires 1970

Guinea-Bissau Fairy Tales Russian Kids Book 1976
Guinea-Bissau Fairy Tales, Russian kids' book, 1976

Cubierta de Alberti, illus. for Alberti, 1962
Cubierta de Alberti, illus. for R. Alberti book, 1962

3c Washington Type I single  (1851-1856)
3c Washington Type I single (1851-1856)

3c Washington Type I single  (1851-1856) 2
3c Washington Type I single (1851-1856)

I found the above two while looking for ghost images for one of the recent Alter-Gilbert translations. I have no memory of what they are.

Eje Wray cover, The Psychedelic Guide to the Preparation of the Eucharist
Eje Wray cover, Psychedelic Guide To The Preparation Of The Euchar by Robert E. Brown & Associates of the Neo American Church League for Spiritual Development and the Ultimate Authority of the Clear Light.

I found this while searching for info on Wray for the post "I've actually seen the next world."


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