A Journey Round My Skull is now 50 Watts
I'm importing the archives to the new site and posting new material daily.
Please visit and update your links. Thanks.
Walter Schnackenberg, Die Rauschtranke, 1949
Coming this year:Maybe:
- More posts featuring work by young artists and designers from around the world
- A massive illustrated/annotated post archiving the entire blog
- More Salvador Bartolozzi
- More posts with Richard Sica
- More rare international kid's books
- More international book covers
- Long-delayed interview with Franz Rottensteiner (about ready to run)
- Interview with sarcoptiform
- Interview with Payson Stevens, art director of Biology Today (this will become legendary)
- More Hoffmeister
- Illustrated overview of Redstone Press by its founder
- Features on the collections of friends of this blog
- More Schnackenberg, God-willing (these two come from a 1980s German-language book on caricature)
- All the stuff I neglected to do from my 2009 list
Major news:
- A "text-per-day" feature, possibly as a PDF email spin-off, something like the New York Ghost. Gilbert Alter-Gilbert will likely co-edit this series.
- I have some contests up my sleeve.
- I'm working on book projects, one with a publisher, and the rest as the publisher. They will all blow your mind. (If I didn't just jinx them all by talking about them.)
Walter Schnackenberg, Die Virtuosin, 1949
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