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Rebecca Goes Out

Last Monday, my wife had a night out as part of a work related conference. She's always hesitant to go out, as she's not at all interested in the bar scene. She needs to be gently prodded to take some time for herself, so I encouraged her to go. She was hesitant right up to the last minute, but out of her sense of corporate duty, she let me know she would be going out.

It was fine with me, as it allowed me to spend some quality time with the kids. They had swimming lessons, and afterward, I took them to A&W in their pajamas. They were in bed shortly after 8:30, and then I had some quiet time to myself while I waited for my wife to arrive home. As it often happens when I'm left to my own devices, I started to think about her and how she might be getting hit on while she was out. Now I know she would never, but when I can let my mind wander, I sometimes imagine that she would push the envelope a little. She would start by subtly flirting with one of the men she was out with, toying with his mind a little. She might even let his leg brush against hers, nothing too obvious mind you, just enough to make him think, "Did she just allow that to happen?"

As I laid in bed contemplating this, I browsed the "loving wives" section of Literotica, and brought myself to the edge several times. It was 11:30 when she arrived home. I could smell that sweet smell of liquor on her. As I took her to bed, she asked me what I had been doing while she was gone. I told her that I was thinking of her. When she asked me what specifically, I told her I didn't want to say, as it might upset her. She prodded, and I relented. I kept my explanation short as we made love. Unfortunately, even with my limited explanation, my mind was in overdrive. I came inside her in several long, hot bursts.

For those of you women (and men I guess) who haven't heard of "edging", I can offer this brief explanation: Bringing yourself to the edge of orgasm several times, an hour or two before intercourse results in an intense orgasm, and a large amount of ejaculate when you eventually do come. There have been times in the past, when alone, that I have "shot" over my head during the eventual release. That is what she would have felt inside her. The other night, I showed her the spot, just below the head on my penis where, if rubbed sporadically could keep me on the edge all night.

As for my fantasy, I'm hoping some day, after she gets home from a night out, or even if she was away from me on trip of some sort, that she'll play a mind game with me, describing how she flirted, touched or even kissed another man. She would quickly see how this fantasy talk would have me firing multiple shots into her. Having said all that, (and knowing she's going to be reading this), I can say that I love her as she is, and I know she isn't very comfortable with this kind of "talk". I would have to say for her to find her own way of sharing our fantasies. Sweetness, explore your own thoughts and share with me what turns you on. I love you.

I'm going on a fishing trip this weekend, so Beautiful, I'll leave you with this link. Have some fun exploring it, and maybe you can share it with me sometime. I love you.

Love, Me

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